Saturday, February 22, 2014

2nd Fire

2nd Fire (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Author: Bruce Relly | Language: English | ISBN: B0054KY31S | Format: PDF, EPUB

2nd Fire
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2nd FIRE – brief synopsis

There are many thoughtful people, among them scientists and medical practioners, who are intuitively sympathetic to so-called New Age ideas, but who lack the energy of conviction to make of it an effective, healing philosophy - using ‘healing’ in the broadest sense.

2nd Fire explores a number of principles or laws of Nature. These indicate that an understanding of suffering is possible and consequently that the basis for an honest, philosophically coherent and effective system of healing can be found.

The Principle of Law in Nature, for instance, asserts that natural law applies with equal rigour in all realms - physical as well as metaphysical. Since suffering is first and last a psychological (metaphysical) experience, this principle is of fundamental importance. With it goes the Principle of Causality which asserts that all our experiences are meaningful, never random… and are therefore intelligible.

The energy of the healing process comes ultimately from acceptance of self-responsibility - don’t blame mother, school, Apartheid, germs etc. The direction of the energy comes from an understanding of the purpose of Evolution.

Consequently, in the medical context the emphasis will move - as it is already doing - increasingly from physical practices to
psycho-spiritual practices and therefore increasingly from external to internal strategies based on an expanded appreciation of psychosomatic principles.

There are several obstructive myths to this type of thinking which need to be overcome; they include the myth that unpleasant experiences are ‘accidental’, ‘unlucky’, ‘tragic’ etc.; the myth that pain is an end in itself, even a virtue - rather than an important therapeutic message; the myth that body and mind are casually connected rather than exactly matched and, finally, the myth that there are some questions about suffering which are sacrosanct and may not be asked - although the answer may release us.

With fresh insight we can appreciate that physical experiences are a reflection of our spiritual needs and therefore that they hold the key to the required remedy. However, there is an important creative challenge: because the symptoms to be healed in one realm or paradigm (say the physical) first require healing in another less dense realm (in the ‘mind’ say) we find that literal translation is difficult. So, to find correspondences, we are eventually compelled, by the laws of Nature, to apply our minds to this puzzle, to demand answers. One way of doing this is to explore the metaphorical content - the figurative ‘logic’ - of our suffering.

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Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 685 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 308 pages
  • Pagination - ISBN de l'édition imprimée de référence : 1466221542
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B0054KY31S
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    As a healthcare executive, disillusioned with modern western medicine, I was expecting a book that focused on alternative medicine and the role of spirituality in physical health. While it is certainly that, the book is much, much more. This is one of the best general philosophy books I've ever read. I have a minor degree in philosophy and a lifelong curiosity in life's ultimate truths-- Mr. Relly's book is now among the top that I value. I also have undergraduate degrees in chemistry and biology, and a graduate degree in information systems engineering. I share that background not in an attempt to impress, but rather to emphasize that my mind expects a reasonable degree of theorem and proof to explain the world. Grand leaps of spiritual or religious faith which lack congruent arguments tend to raise my easily raised cynicism. But I also realize that science and math can, as we so far understand them, describe only a portion of our existence and, in fact, the best of modern science only raises more questions about the role of humanity in the universe.

    Mr. Relly blends the rigor of analysis from an accomplished scientist/geologist, with many years of humble introspection, to produce one of the best books I've read in many years. He walks with the hand of science up to its logical point of departure, then releases and escorts the reader into the realm of existence that science and medicine cannot yet address. These are not the thoughts of a young author. As I read the book, I would occasionally pause for contemplation-- and more than once, I was left with a feeling that Mr. Relly had somehow managed to extract the eons of knowledge held in the geology that he studied. The earth and rocks surrendered their thoughts to him and the thoughts in his book can only come from an elder statesman-- a mentor-- some 80-plus years in the making.

    His writing style is very interesting, in that it is readable on several levels of philosophical maturity-- from newcomers to the more experienced. At the risk of approaching dramatic, this book sincerely ranks among the most interesting and well-written texts on general philosophy in my collection-- a collection that spans Plato to Hume, Lao Tzu to Descarte, and Kuhn to Buddha. It would be wonderful for this book to be more widely available in printed form, and more widely known to the public.

    Nicely done Mr. Relly and many thanks to you. What a wonderful coincidence... or maybe not...that brought your book into my hands. ;-)
    Par Dale Sanders
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    I am happy to say that this is indeed not a `self-­help' book but a well researched book on TRUTHs. One sees these topics coming though in so many articles and blogs - it is timely and relevant.

    For example: with all these things in discussion - how we look outwards for healing such as acupuncture, yoga and medicinals - this book outlines how many of our problems in outer and inner health can be addressed by ourselves. Excuses and blame directed at others, society or external events in order to make sense of our own common sickness and in an attempt to lessen the blame or self guilt of not taking proper care of our selves.

    A reason this book is so inspiring I think is that it is "big" for most. I'll say in other terms: If you read the common `self­'help' book and want to study and discover more than a quote or self-­affirmation, this is the one to read. 2nd Fire uses scientific facts along with questions and contemplation on the subject of healing. I say so for myself, it is a juicy read that keeps you coming back with curiosity to seek a deeper level of answers to contemplate within ourselves for healing and wellbeing.

    As a Geologist, Relly's understanding of nature gives a solid basis for his deduction that nothing is random and this book reveals his theory with a scientific foundation.

    This is one of the reasons I love 2nd Fire is that it is a book that uses a scientific basis for it's approach - no mushy talk. It looks deeper into areas that are relevant in our world today.

    Take a clear look at how we manage our health these days. Are we evolving or actually devolving? Are we using our brains to understand why this is happening in our lives and our loved ones that is causing health or dis-­ease? Why are we constantly looking for more technical and expensive ways to `patch things up' without really understanding how and why we got there in the first place? Have we grown up to believe that we are not responsible for our own outcomes? That we can justify using blame or use coincidence as an excuse for our current state bodies, mind, souls?

    I myself am in a position of growing and driving a successful business and give it my all, but recognize an internal drive and say disposition to eventually - sooner than later to bear children and raise a family. As politically incorrect as it may sound, those choices that fight our organic nature cause of strife and eventually illness.

    An example of where this type of truth rears its head in society, and one that is close to my heart is the huge popularity marathon running has today. Perhaps 2% of people participating are actually properly conditioned for that level of sustained exertion. Contrast that with the other 98% who are not full time athletes who drive themselves and their bodies through purely mental resolve (or perhaps blind stubbornness) to compete and at the same time wear their bodies out. It's a personality trait one sees in the business world today. The media would have you believe that you are only successful in business if you are CEO of a large multinational company and at the same time superstar athlete and parent. This is not realistic for all of us.

    People cause themselves distress when tempted to take on large salaries and achieve the big ego milestones based on social sanctions and what is `nice' rather achieving what we innately truly desire. A statistic I'm very familiar with: woman are developing cancers at a rate almost 2,000% higher in heart disease over the past 30 years, while at the same time taking on more than they should. Coincidence? I don't think so; and as far as this book reveals and what the facts therein reveal, all things are related.

    Given this possibility that there is no randomness in our lives and no randomness in nature or anything besides what we've been taught to think, we have the ability to educate ourselves and take responsibility for our health.

    For example: We walk around with cancer cells at all times. It's the cells natural way to respire in an oxygen poor environment, and when we take this to the extreme we create malignant cancers. Why then do we rush to use chemotherapy? Chemotherapy has a less than 4% success rate! The scientifically recognized placebo effect -­' that we believe that we will heal, and so many do -­' has greater benefit and no side effects! With our own innate healing capabilities! Yet we still rush outwardly for help when our own machine is working to heal itself every day.

    We can indeed step out and start to heal on a global platform. If we can understand the order of our actions at home and internationally a little more, I don't believe people will get as ill as they do in our homes and abroad. We should allow each and every human being to experience this sort of self responsibility.

    Another example close to my heart is the pain and suffering that has actually increased in Africa as result of western influence ­' a world that was happy, now corrupted by tools that are not appropriate to their lives ­' their dharma has been shifted inorganically causing an imbalance -­ we are taking a very materialistic world and using that as our tool box for 'helping' Africa ­' and as our influence increases, so their organic joy for life decreases.

    We can make conscious choices more often, for ourselves and humanity, and educate ourselves on those choices with such information described in this brilliant book that raised the game of healing to the next level.
    Par Janelle
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