Sunday, June 30, 2013

Anthocyanins in Health and Disease

Anthocyanins in Health and Disease [Print Replica] [Format Kindle]

Author: Taylor C. Wallace M. Monica Giusti | Language: English | ISBN: B00EYRGLVC | Format: PDF, EPUB

Anthocyanins in Health and Disease
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Présentation de l'éditeur

Anthocyanins, polyphenolic compounds abundant in certain foods, are responsible for the orange-red to blue-violet hues evident in many fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, and flowers. Interest in these pigments has intensified due to their potential health-promoting properties as dietary antioxidants, as well as their use as natural dyes in a variety of products. Mechanistic studies from in vitro experiments as well as in vivo clinical trials demonstrate wide-ranging efficacy and biological activity of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins in Health and Disease presents the first comprehensive review of modern-day research on the relationship of anthocyanins to human health and disease. Written by an interdisciplinary group of distinguished scientists, this book examines the bioavailability, chemistry, metabolism, and efficacy of anthocyanins, as well as their role in protecting the body from several age- and obesity-related chronic diseases. Chapters cover the absorption, digestion, metabolism, and excretion of anthocyanins; current methodology for the assessment of anthocyanins in the blood, plasma, urine, and tissues; and anthocyanins as potent antioxidants. The book discusses health-related topics such as anthocyanins and protection against disease, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes, and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. It also addresses health-promoting effects of anthocyanins, namely, maintenance of normal vision and prevention of ocular pathologies, protective effects against skin aging, and their role in innate immunity and exercise. Covering a wide array of specialized knowledge, this book provides an authoritative source of information on the role of anthocyanins in health and disease, an important step toward advancing research and enhancing communication on these functional ingredients.

Direct download links available for Anthocyanins in Health and Disease [Print Replica] [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 36964 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 368 pages
  • Editeur : CRC Press; àdition : 1 (3 septembre 2013)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • Synthèse vocale : Non activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Actually the content is good. But I wonder why some pictures that should be colored, is not colored. In the title of the picture it is written that it is colored. At first, I was thinking to return it, but then I change my mind. I found colored pictures, but in other or in separated pages, not the place that it should be, so it is just okay, although not the best that I hope. I do not return it, because I will soon go back to my home country, and maybe I could not find that book in my home country. If I could suggest to the publisher or to discovery, put the colored picture in the right place. That will be nice.
    Par Lydia Ninan Lestario
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    Anthocyanins in Health and Disease Download

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