Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ignore the awkward! How the cholesterol myths are kept alive

Ignore the awkward! How the cholesterol myths are kept alive (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Author: Uffe Ravnskov | Language: English | ISBN: B004EPYUPI | Format: PDF, EPUB

Ignore the awkward! How the cholesterol myths are kept alive
You can download Ignore the awkward! How the cholesterol myths are kept alive (English Edition) [Format Kindle] for everyone book 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link

Présentation de l'éditeur

The cholesterol campaign is the greatest medical scandal in modern time. If you have read the author's previous books ´The Cholesteol Myths´ (out of print) or 'Fat and Cholesterol are GOOD for You', you should know that for certain. For instance, according to more than 25 scientific studies old people with high cholesterol live the longest. Another shocking fact is that the authors of a recent American study of more than 130,000 patients with acute myocardial infarction found that on average, their cholesterol was lower than normally. Their finding has already been confirmed by others. What they also found was that three years later, mortality was twice as high among those whose cholesterol was the lowest. Their conclusion? We must lower cholesterol even more! But there is much, much more. The author's aim with this book is to show how prominent scientists have turned white into black by ignoring all conflicting observations; by twisting and exaggerating trivial findings; by citing studies with opposing results in a way to make them look supportive; and by ignoring or scorning the work of critical scientists. Those who have not read his previous books may not quite understand the width of these misleading processes. He has therefore included a short and simplified review of the most obvious contradictions to the cholesterol hypothesis. At the end he presents what he and his colleague Kilmer McCully think is the real cause, here told in a more simple way than in his previous book.

Biographie de l'auteur

The author is a Swedish MD and an experienced scientist himself. He has published more than 100 scientific papers about cholesterol and fats, and has received two international awards for his 'Original Contributions in the Field of Medical Scepticism' and for 'Independent Thinking in Natural Sciences and Medicine'. He is a member of the editorial board of Cholesterol and of Journal of Lipids, and is the founder and spokesman for THINCS, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, an organization that includes about one hundred doctors and scientist from all over the world.

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Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 274 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 156 pages
  • Pagination - ISBN de l'édition imprimée de référence : 1453759409
  • Editeur : CreateSpace (1 décembre 2010)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
  • Moyenne des commentaires client :5.0 étoiles sur 5   style="margin-left:-3px">Voir tous les commentaires (1 commentaire client)
  • Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon: n°150.877 dans la Boutique Kindle (Voir le Top 100 dans la Boutique Kindle)
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    Ce livre explique comment on a réussi à faire croire à une planète entière que le cholestérol est L'ENNEMI NUMERO UN, alors qu'il est juste un marqueur, un témoin innocent d'un déséquilibre.

    L'auteur décortique les études mal citées, les études oubliées, les données trafiquées et ce qui permet de cultiver un doute raisonnable quant à la supposée "toxicité du cholestérol" dans l'organisme.
    Vous comprendrez vite que le cholestérol est plutôt l'ambulance, pas celui qui cause l'accident.

    A lire absolument si vous pensez que votre taux de cholestérol est un souci dans votre vie.
    Et essayer de résumer ce livre à votre médecin, qui n'a souvent aucune connaissance en la matière.
    Par Citoyen
    The book is the latest by a doctor who has done more than anyone else in the world to show the fallacy of Cholesterol Phobia.

    He hi-lights the fact that there are no studies showing that avoiding saturated fat and cholesterol is beneficial. In fact, there are many studies showing that dietary replacements may make health worse. Interestingly, people in the low blood-cholesterol groups in most studies die first, and often from diseases with long periods of suffering.

    He makes an irrefutable case that that many with drug, food, research or other financial interests ignore and suppress the global evidence.

    He shreds the cholesterol-lowering statin studies and illustrates the soft science, the soft endpoints and the conflicts of interests that are the rule in these trials. Give this book to your doctor if he/she wants to put you on a drug to lower your cholesterol. A worthwhile investment especially if you read the book first.
    Par eddie vos
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