Saturday, April 19, 2014

Behavior and Medicine

Behavior and Medicine [Format Kindle]

Author: Danny Wedding | Language: English | ISBN: B005IWE5DI | Format: PDF, EPUB

Behavior and Medicine
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Présentation de l'éditeur

This new edition of one of the most popular and highly regarded texts on behavioral and social science in medicine has been fully revised and updated. It is structured to reflect the latest Institute of Medicine recommendations on the teaching of behavioral and social sciences in medicine. Its 25 chapters are divided into five core domains: mind-body interactions in health and disease, patient behavior, the physician’s role and behavior, physician-patient interactions, social and cultural issues in health care along with health policy and economics.

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Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 2927 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 368 pages
  • Editeur : Hogrefe Publishing; àdition : 5 (24 août 2011)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B005IWE5DI
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Behavior and Medicine 9780889373754 This new edition of one of the most popular and highly regarded texts on behavioral and social science in medicine has been fully revised and updated Behavior and Medicine Hogrefe One of the most popular and highly regarded behavioral science and psychology textbooks the new third edition of this well established resource has been fully Penn Vet Behavior Medicine University of Behavior Medicine at Penn Vet is dedicated to helping pets and their owners live together comfortably and safely Behaviour and Medicine Amazon es Danny Wedding Libros Si eres un editor o el autor y dispones de los derechos digitales de un libro puedes vender una versi n digital en nuestra tienda Kindle M s informaci nCENTER FOR BEHAVIOR MEDICINE CENTER FOR BEHAVIOR MEDICINE PIH Health as well as Whittier Hospital Medical Center SPECIALTIES Anxiety and panic disorders OCD depression
    Although it is intended for medical students, this comprehensive book would be useful to a wide variety of readers. I am a psychologist and teach medical residents, and I think this book is a marvelous review of (as its title says) Behavior and Medicine. It's excellent for students because it includes sample Board exam questions, but it's excellent for more advanced professionals because it reviews the basics and provides good ideas for further reading. Phenomenal illustrations also. Often edited books are uneven in their coverage, but this one has overcome that problem. A gem!
    Par WearyReader
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    Overall, this book is an enjoyable read. The information in it is useful for helping learn how to conduct a patient encounter and how to look at patients as a whole (applying the biopsychosocial model) as opposed to a single set of symptoms or a disease. For its reminder that medicine is not purely science and that the humanities are essential to making a good physician, this book deserves a lot of credit and praise.

    Nevertheless, the glaringly awful typos found in every single chapter make me question whether this book had an editor or proofreader before it was put to press. I downgraded the book from 4 to 3 stars because of the haphazard presentation.

    Again, a good read (and even better if you're not grammar-obsessed like I am). :)
    Par C. Gorden
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