Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Budgie Care

Budgie Care: A Complete Guide For Caring For Your Budgie (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Author: Harry Winkler | Language: English | ISBN: B009VM0MZQ | Format: PDF, EPUB

Budgie Care: A Complete Guide For Caring For Your Budgie
Direct download links available Budgie Care: A Complete Guide For Caring For Your Budgie (English Edition) [Format Kindle] from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link

Présentation de l'éditeur

Congratulations on choosing one of the best pets to own. Budgies also known as parakeets, are very intelligent can be extremely fun and rewarding to care for.
But to keep your budgie healthy, happy and fun, you need to know how to care for him/her properly.

In this book you will learn some of the basics about.
Cages: metal, plastic and what is toxic.
The best places to located cages and why
Budgie and cage hygiene and common diseases and symptoms
Diet, Food premixes and raw foods
Toys, treats and puzzles and how to keep their interest

Learn how to create a relationship with your budgie and training to maximize your fun together. How to tame and teach them to talk. Easy tricks that any budgie can learn fast and how to build on each level.

Sexing breeding and making sure you budgie lives a full lifespan past 10 to 12 years

Interesting facts you will learn. Do they see in color? How do they process images? What is their hearing frequency range? Can they count?

Budgies are great pets and companionship for all ages. Create a relationship with your budgie and have fun together. Your friends will be wanting budgies when they see how fun your budgie can becomes. Buy Now to get more details. Instant download.

Direct download links available for Budgie Care: A Complete Guide For Caring For Your Budgie (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 165 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 14 pages
  • Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil : Illimité
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B009VM0MZQ
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    I just finished reading this as a borrow on my Kindle. It took me about 5 minutes, no kidding. I wouldn't say it's a terrible book, but if I'd paid 2.99 for it, I'd be more careful about buying unreviewed e-books in the future!

    Besides being a very short read, the information inside is very basic. Of course, it has to be if it's less than 20 standard pages long! It contains some good pointers - get large, rectangular cages (although does anyone find stainless steel cages like it recommends? I rarely find non-painted cages, although they're bird-safe paint); avoid placing the cage in the kitchen (fumes) or near windows (drafts or overheating), etc.

    It's not that the advice is terrible, it's just that there's not much detail. If you've read about budgies from other sources, that won't be a huge problem, but if this is your first or only source material, oh boy. For example, the author recommends feeding a seed mixture, without any discussion of pellets vs. seeds. He also recommends "an occasional mix of vegetables, fruits and grains" without going into any more detail about which can be most beneficial to your bird or the pros and cons of certain fruits or veggies (for example, Barron's Budgerigars book by Hildegard Niemann, points out that avocados are toxic to Budgies). When it comes to bonding with a new bird, Winkler suggests sticking your hand in the cage to get it used to you as you talk steadily. It sounds decent, but I think new owners need way more advice than that.

    Niemann's book, for example, has dos and don'ts of bonding with your new bird: "Approach the cage slowly, indirectly in a wide arc, all the while talking to your budgie. If it pulls back, stand still and wait until the bird relaxes again. When the bird accepts your closeness, try attracting it with millet. Praise it while it is feeding. Repeat this exercise several times daily, until the bird has become used to it." And that's just step one of three!

    I won't waste any more of my time or yours comparing the two books. Niemann's is more detailed and practical. I'll add a link to it. I swear I'm not a paid rep for Barrons or Niemann (LOL!) but there's a real difference in quality. Here's the link: Budgerigars (Complete Pet Owner's Manual)
    Par Amazon mom
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    Did not learn anything new. Glad it was free with Prime. This might be good for a total novice wanting to raise parakeets.
    Par MrsJAS
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    Budgie Care: A Complete Guide For Caring For Your Budgie Download

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