Friday, October 25, 2013

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer [Format Kindle]

Author: Laurence (Ed.) Klotz Laurence Klotz | Language: English | ISBN: B00A9YGP42 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer
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Présentation de l'éditeur

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer: A New Paradigm for Clinical Management will serve as a useful resource for physicians dealing with, and interested in, this complex and evolving branch of prostate cancer management.  The book will also be of interest to scientifically literate patients and their families.   The volume provides an introduction to the concept of active surveillance in oncology in general and prostate cancer specifically. The primary focus is to provide a comprehensive guide to the management of patients on surveillance. The volume covers the many complexities and nuances to this approach including, patient selection, risk assessment, how to overcome 'cancer hysteria' when counseling patients, identifying appropriate triggers for intervention, use of PSA kinetics and MR imaging information, technique and frequency of biopsies, secondary prevention interventions, and the relative roles of surveillance and focal therapy.

Direct download links available for Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 1773 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 208 pages
  • Editeur : Humana Press; àdition : 1 (21 juin 2012)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B00A9YGP42
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer CTCA Active surveillance for prostate cancer Nine in 10 men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States have localized disease NIH Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men With Localized Prostate Cancer localized confined to the prostate Active Surveillance for Prostate CancerActive Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer A New Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer A New Paradigm for Clinical Management will serve as a useful resource for physicians dealing with and interested Active Surveillance or Active Treatment in Localized May 29 2009 Methods To obtain information on active surveillance the Medline database was searched from January 2002 to April 2008 for the terms prostate cancer Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer A New Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer 0 and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle Learn more

    Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer Download

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