Friday, January 17, 2014

129 Natural Remedies For Weight Loss

129 Natural Remedies For Weight Loss: Home Remedies Wisdom Volume 2 (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Author: Sydney Johnston | Language: English | ISBN: B0071BI5WG | Format: PDF, EPUB

129 Natural Remedies For Weight Loss: Home Remedies Wisdom Volume 2
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Présentation de l'éditeur

When we hear that dread word "diet" most of us think of deprivation, suffering and misery. Yet we're continually told that we must diet to lose weight. Who wants to willingly be miserable? NOBODY, which is why almost every diet on the planet is a Big Whopping Failure!

So if you've ever failed at weight loss, isn't it time to look at this problem in a new way? ''129 Natural Remedies For Weight Loss'' has a suggestion ...

All cultures, religions and mythologies have a story about the mythic quest. The hero or heroine goes on a long journey, one that is loaded with obstacles and dangers, seeking to attain a particular goal. These are psychological tales, meant to explain the human condition.

So change your definition of your journey. Don't see this process as just "losing weight". Redefine your goal because what you're really after is a new body, one that is brimming with vitality, energy and organic joy. This is no small thing. That kind of body will affect every single facet of your life. Expect obstacles and you won't be surprised when you meet them. You CAN be the hero or heroine of your own tale because that is a goal worthy of a champion.

So use these 129 home remedies as tools, as weapons to help you battle the dragons and monsters of bad habits, negative feelings and discouragement.

* The Greatest Healer In The Universe

* Overeating 101

* Who Am I To Being Giving YOU Advice About Weight Loss?

* Why Not Get A Prescription From The Doc?

* Creating A New Body Is A Major Project: How To Know If You're Ready

* What You Need To Know Before You Embark On Your Journey

* Starvation Is 'Out' - Eating Is 'In'

* Weight Loss Supplements

* Realistic Exercise

* ALL Weight Is Lost In The Mind

* #130: Breathing For Weight Loss

* Conclusion: Your Mythic Quest

The rewards are so much greater than the price. You won't just have a 'new' body (although that's wonderful!) - you will have a new life. Confidence, a sense of power and self approval will be only a few of your many rewards.

Books with free ebook downloads available 129 Natural Remedies For Weight Loss: Home Remedies Wisdom Volume 2

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 164 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 84 pages
  • Pagination - ISBN de l'édition imprimée de référence : 1478221208
  • Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil : Illimité
  • Editeur : (23 janvier 2012)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B0071BI5WG
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
  • Moyenne des commentaires client : Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article
  • Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon: n°476.080 dans la Boutique Kindle (Voir le Top 100 dans la Boutique Kindle)
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    For the price, this is a great little book. The author admittedly doesn't have a scientific background, but it looks like she has read a number books on weight loss and she has struggled with obesity herself. As such, this book is a barrage of tips and ideas on weight lost that have worked for her throughout the years. I was familiar with most of the tips outlined. However, I like her common sense approach to weight loss. In particular, she maintains that there isn't one perfect approach to weight loss for everyone. Therefore, I like the idea that she gives the reader a number of choices to assist in the process. Granted, some of her ideas are not based on science, but who's to say they won't work for someone. For example, one of her tips is to take 5 HTP, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, which has never really been shown to assist with weight loss in the literature. However, it has been shown to help with depression and maybe, just maybe, it might help someone lose weight. In spite of the lack of science-based information, I found the book refreshing. All in all, she has a number of ideas that you can pick and choose from in your effort to lose weight. She does need a good editor as the book is filled with a number of typos.
    Par BrainDoc
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    129 Natural Remedies for Weight Loss: Vol 2 was a pleasant and inspirational read. Ms. Johnston's volume is chalk full of useful thinking, eating, and exercise tips--all of them natural and potentially healthy.

    The book is well-written, thoughtful, and pleasing to the eye. The book is concise, yet reveals tons of great supplements and is filled with helpful insights. Phrases like "create habits that [you] will love and want to do that will help keep [you] thin!" and "your body is a marvel and will respond to praise, encouragement and attention" help replace old thinking patterns with positive, potent thinking that will help you succeed at your weight release adventure.

    I highly recommend this book for weight loss tips and a good read.

    ~ Writing Team

    P.S. The review above comes from our health-conscious writing team.

    I'll add that my own personal favorite tip was #103 - bench press your kids. I didn't want to give too much away but could not resist as this tip brought back many pleasant memories. I wrestled with my four children and bench pressed them from time to time. Also, we have a few pictures of one of my sons (who did not need to lose an ounce) bench pressing his college roommate!

    ~ Mark
    Par Mark Rhodes Ph.D.
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