Sunday, March 16, 2014


Neuromarketing [Format Kindle]

Author: Leon Zurawicki | Language: English | ISBN: B008BB7R74 | Format: PDF, EPUB

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Présentation de l'éditeur

Over the last 10 years advances in the new field of neuromarketing have yielded a host of findings which defy common stereotypes about consumer behavior. Reason and emotions do not necessarily appear as opposing forces. Rather, they complement one another. Hence, it reveals that consumers utilize mental accounting processes different from those assumed in marketers' logical inferences when it comes to time, problems with rating and choosing, and in post-purchase evaluation. People are often guided by illusions not only when they perceive the outside world but also when planning their actions - and consumer behavior is no exception. Strengthening the control over their own desires and the ability to navigate the maze of data are crucial skills consumers can gain to benefit themselves, marketers and the public. Understanding the mind of the consumer is the hardest task faced by business researchers. This book presents the first analytical perspective on the brain - and biometric studies which open a new frontier in market research.

Direct download links available for Neuromarketing [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 1595 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 250 pages
  • Editeur : Springer Berlin Heidelberg; àdition : 1 (2 septembre 2010)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B008BB7R74
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
  • Moyenne des commentaires client : Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article
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    As this is a new field, it is difficult to find good material on the subject, which makes this book invaluable. This is the first truly academic book on the subject, one which is well versed not just in business literature, but that also draws on cognitive neuroscience, neurophysiology, decision science and the theory of emotions. The book begins with solid explanations of the physiology and research methods of the field, which are comprehensible even to a non-specialist. Following this, Zurawicki branches off into discussions of a wide range of practical and theoretical aspects of the subject.

    Practical illustrations show how the industry can apply the research techniques drawn from this new field; however, unlike a typical marketing professor, who focuses on advice to the companies, Zurawicki also demonstrates how the familiarity with neuroscience can help the consumer: in terms of better understanding one's own emotional vulnerability, controlling impulsivity, coping with regret and imposing self discipline. In addition to their utility, the variety of these subjects keep the book interesting and highly readable. It is helpful, and rare, to find a single book that manages to cover such a wide and rapidly emerging field so well.
    Par G.E.Taylor
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    It is with great delight that I discovered the release of this title. I immediately downloaded it to my Ipad. I am impressed with the content and quality of the book. I recommend this title to anyone who wants to understand the promise of the exciting new field!
    Par Dr. Christophe Morin
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