Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Origin of Mind

The Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain, Cognition, and General Intelligence [Format Kindle]

Author: David C. Geary | Language: English | ISBN: B00D2DL114 | Format: PDF, EPUB

The Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain, Cognition, and General Intelligence
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Présentation de l'éditeur

Darwin considered an understanding of the evolution of the human mind and brain to be of major importance to the evolutionary sciences. This ground-breaking book sets out a comprehensive, integrated theory of why and how the human mind has developed to function as it does. Geary proposes that human motivational, affective, behavioral, and cognitive systems have evolved to process social and ecological information (e.g., facial expressions) that covaried with survival or reproductive options during human evolution.

Further, he argues that the ultimate focus of all of these systems is to support our attempts to gain access to and control of resources—more specifically, the social (e.g., mates), biological (e.g., food), and physical (e.g., territory) resources that supported successful survival and reproduction over time. In this view, Darwin's conceptualization of natural selection as a "struggle for existence" becomes, for us, a struggle with other human beings for control of the available resources.

This struggle provides a means of integrating modular brain and cognitive systems such as language with those brain and cognitive systems that support general intelligence. To support his arguments, Geary draws upon an impressive array of recent findings in cognitive science and neuroscience, as well as primatology, anthropology, and sociology.

The book also explores a number of issues that are of interest in modern society, including how general intelligence relates to academic achievement, occupational status, and income. Readers will find this book a thought-provoking read and an impetus for new theories of mind.

Books with free ebook downloads available The Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain, Cognition, and General Intelligence [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 3261 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 459 pages
  • Editeur : American Psychological Association; àdition : 1 (28 mai 2013)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B00D2DL114
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and General Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and General Intelligence 9781591471813 Medicine Health Science Books Amazon comThe Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and Home Publications APA Books The Origin of Mind Brain Cognition and General Intelligence of the evolution of the human mind and brain to be of David C Geary The origin of mind evolution of brain You have full text access to this OnlineOpen article David C Geary The origin of mind evolution of brain cognition and general intelligenceThe Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and The Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and General Intelligence by David in Social Sciences is being discussed at Physics ForumsAmazon com Customer Reviews Origin of Mind Evolution of Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Origin of Mind Evolution of Brain Cognition and General Intelligence at Amazon com Read honest and unbiased
    The brain has long been the most mysterious of the organs. Part of the problem has been that the brain can be viewed in so many different ways. The same organ can think of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in one instant and be smiling and talking baby talk to an infant the next.

    In this book Dr. Geary brings together research from neuroscience, behavior genetics, and cognitive science along with the behavioral sciences such as primatology, anthropology, and sociology to present an integrated view of the brain as we know it today.

    The chapter "General Intelligence in Modern Society" is brilliant in it's explanation of IQ testing and its relationship with society. It both confirms, explains, and rejects the findings in the best seller "The Bell Curve" from 1994. "The IQ test," Dr. Geary says, "was designed to predict educational outcomes." And in this it works very well - in one study 20% of the people in the 99th percentile had Ph.D. degrees. He then discusses other aspects such as motivation, family, social presures and more as reasons for achievement in education, work and income. There's far too much to cover in a short review like this one.

    This is not a book that has been dumbed down for the general reader. It is a definitive tome on the state of the understanding of the brain as it exists today. It is fascinating reading, but not something that you're going to race through in an afternoon.
    Par John Matlock
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    This is an thoughtful, erudite and complex book weaving together various strands of research in evolution, neural organisation, cognition and mind together. Every page is littered with references, not carelessly I hasten to add. The author's main thesis, as i understand it, is that the mind essentially 'runs' simulations, and this is an evolution endowmnet arising from ontogenetic requirements to exercise control of behaviour and the environment. Anyone locked into folk psychology, especially Stich's simualtion theory, will find much to ponder here. Geary holds that folk psychology has many 'anchors' that orient the human organism towards fundamental activities to sustain itself, e.g. social cues. These anchors are shaped in development under evolutionary imperatives. Much of the book is devoted to teasing out in detail the framework that allows this to occur. The notion of a fluid intelligence is introduced to debnk the g factor (as too limitinf a construct) and explain adaptive behaviours. Each chapter deserves a review by itself. Overall, the book is tremendously impressive and detailed however, it still faces to problem of splicing folk psychological concepts with neuroscientific data, and it is here that most critics will focus there attention. Geary has assemled a welther of piece sof evidence and argumentation to make this work, but eliminativtists will not be satisfied. Having read this book quickly, I can state baldly that it is the first book in years that I will reread. Lots of food for thought.
    Par John Harpur
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