Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bioethics in America

Bioethics in America: Origins and Cultural Politics [Format Kindle]

Author: M. L. Tina Stevens | Language: English | ISBN: B005A2BCP0 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Bioethics in America: Origins and Cultural Politics
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Présentation de l'éditeur

In Bioethics in America, Tina Stevens challenges the view that the origins of the bioethics movement can be found in the 1960s, a decade mounting challenges to all variety of authority. Instead, Stevens sees bioethics as one more product of a "centuries-long cultural legacy of American ambivalence toward progress," and she finds its modern roots in the responsible science movement that emerged following detonation of the atomic bomb.

Rather than challenging authority, she says, the bioethics movement was an aid to authority, in that it allowed medical doctors and researchers to proceed on course while bioethicists managed public fears about medicine's new technologies. That is, the public was reassured by bioethical oversight of biomedicine; in reality, however, bioethicists belonged to the same mainstream that produced the doctors and researchers whom the bioethicists were guiding.

Direct download links available for Bioethics in America: Origins and Cultural Politics [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 391 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 224 pages
  • Editeur : JHUP (22 mai 2003)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B005A2BCP0
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Bioethics in America Origins and Cultural Politics Bioethics in America Origins and Cultural Politics 9780801864254 Medicine Health Science Books Amazon comBioethics in America Origins and Cultural Politics In Bioethics in America Tina Stevens challenges the view that the origins of the bioethics movement can be found in the 1960s a decade mounting challenges to all Bioethics in America Origins and Cultural Politics by M In Bioethics in America Tina Stevens challenges the view that the origins of the bioethics movement can be found in the 1960s a decade mounting challenges to all Bioethics in America origins and cultural politics Book Bioethics in America origins and cultural In Bioethics in America Tina Stevens challenges the view that the origins of the bioethics movement can be
    It's an ok book. Was a little beat up but good. I never really ended up using it for my class so it was kind of pointless for me to buy it. But great price!
    Par Helen S.
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