Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique [Format Kindle]

Author: Judith Leibowitz Bill Connington | Language: English | ISBN: B006WB7KMW | Format: PDF, EPUB

The Alexander Technique
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From Library Journal

Created by a Shakespearean actor about 100 years ago, the Alexander Technique is a method of correctly moving the body and maintaining proper posture to improve stamina, flexibility, and relaxation. It is also recognized as having therapeutic value with stress-related disorders, respiratory ailments, bad backs, gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, and arthritis. The authors of this book, both members of the American Center for the Alexander Technique, answer many questions about the technique and describe the theory behind it. They emphasize that the technique can only be properly learned from a certified instructor, although they do clearly explain and illustrate a series of physical movements that will help reduce strain. For libraries that have few other books on this subject and those with extensive holistic health collections.
- Natalie Kupferberg, Brooklyn Coll. Lib., New York
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Présentation de l'éditeur

The Alexander Technique was developed by an Australian actor, F. Matthias lexander, to improve the way the body is used by treating mind and body as a whole. Long popular with actors and dancers because of the stamina, flexibility and relaxation it offers, physiotherapists and doctors are now recommending it to help stress-related movement and posture disorders. It provides a complete programme of procedures to follow for daily activities and sports, enabling the reader to follow the technique without having to attend classes.

Books with free ebook downloads available The Alexander Technique [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 772 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 208 pages
  • Editeur : Souvenir Press; àdition : New edition (3 janvier 2011)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B006WB7KMW
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Although the book carries the title "Alexander Technique" it does not teach it. The authors emphasize throughout their book, that the Alexander Technique can be learned only with the help of specially trained teachers and not by reading a book. So, instead of Alexander's technique, the authors offer their own set of exercises, called Leibowitz Procedures. According to the authors, these procedures help you learn to observe yourself in motion, but they are not identical with Alexander Technique. A few pencil drawings accompany extensive descriptions but unless you know what instructions such as "let your neck be free and your legs release away from the torso" mean, they are not too useful.
    Par M. Coppedge
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