Thursday, October 17, 2013

Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics

Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics (Basic Bioethics) (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Author: Timothy F. Murphy | Language: English | ISBN: B002R5ARQ8 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics
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Présentation de l'éditeur

This textbook for instruction in biomedical research ethics can also serve as a
valuable reference for professionals in the field of bioethics. The 149 cases included in the book
are grouped in nine chapters, each of which covers a key area of debate in the field. Some of the
case studies are classics, including the famous cases of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (in which
subjects with syphilis were not given treatment) and the Willowbrook hepatitis studies (in which
institutionalized subjects were intentionally exposed to hepatitis). Others focus on such current
issues as human embryonic stem cell research, cloning by somatic nuclear transfer, and the design
and function of institutional review boards. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction that
places the issues raised in context; this is followed by a number of cases (each of which is no more
than a few pages). Study questions meant to encourage further discussion follow each case.After an
introductory discussion of the history and tenets of ethics in medical research, the book's chapters
cover the topics of oversight and study design; informed consent; the selection of subjects;
conflicts of interest; the social effects of research; embryos, fetuses, and children; genetic
research; the use of animals; and authorship and publication. Following these chapters are
appendixes with the texts of the Nuremburg Code and the World Declaration of Geneva, two key
documents in the establishment of bioethical standards for research. Also included are a glossary, a
table of cases by general category, and an alphabetical listing of cases.

Books with free ebook downloads available Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics (Basic Bioethics) (English Edition) [Format Kindle]

Détails sur le produit

  • Format : Format Kindle
  • Taille du fichier : 2725 KB
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 360 pages
  • Editeur : The MIT Press; àdition : 1 (1 avril 2004)
  • Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ASIN: B002R5ARQ8
  • Synthèse vocale : Activée
  • X-Ray :
    Non activée
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    Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic Bioethics 9780262632867 Medicine Health Science Books Amazon comCase Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic Bioethics English Edition eBook Timothy F Murphy Amazon es Tienda KindleCase Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic Bioethics Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics The Ghost in the Electric Blue Suit is set on the English coast in Basic Bioethics Case Studies in Biomedical Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Basic note taking and highlighting while reading Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics Research Ethics Basic Bioethics Kindle Edition English ASIN
    The book was needed for school coursework. It arrived quickly and in excellent condition. Interesting bioethical case studies with thought provoking questions following each case.
    Par caspn
    - Publié sur
    I sat in as an auditor in a local college class and this is one of the books that was used. It is full of really good information that people should have about what is and is not "allowed" in the medical field.
    Par Beverly Sherman
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